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Water Management

Water Resources Management (WRM) is the process of planning, developing, and managing water resources, in terms of both water quantity and quality, across all water uses. It includes the institutions, infrastructure, incentives, and information systems that support and guide water management. Ways to

Agriculture Products

The term “agricultural product” means any agricultural commodity or product, whether raw or processed, including any commodity or product derived from livestock that is marketed in the United States for human or livestock consumption Organic & Healthy Foods Provider Farming Nemo enim ipsam

Organic Products

Organic food is grown without the use of synthetic chemicals, such as human-made pesticides and fertilizers, and does not contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Organic foods include fresh produce, meats, and dairy products as well as processed foods such as crackers, drinks, and

Fresh Vegetables

What do you look for when buying fresh vegetables and where can you purchase fresh vegetables? One of the places Michigan State University Extension recommends shopping for fresh vegetables is farmers market. Farmers markets provide an opportunity for consumers to purchase locally grown

Dairy Products

Dairy products or milk products, also known as lacticinia, are food products made from (or containing) milk. The most common dairy animals are cow, water buffalo, nanny goat, and ewe. Dairy products include common grocery store food items in the Western world such

Vegetable Firms

We are farmers and every day we strive to find new products and varieties with surprising flavours for everyone. We deliver our eco friendly products from the land to our customers’ tables. we understand the land: we are producers we are caretakers of

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